Talk & Screening at HYPER JAPAN 2013

July 17,2013

The Japan Media Arts Festival presents a talk stage of KURATAS at the UK’s biggest J-culture event, HYPER JAPAN 2013.The selection of 6 works from Japan Media Arts Festival 2013, Animation division will also be officially screened.


Date: Friday 26 –Sunday 28 July 2013
Venue: Earls Court Two, Earls Court, London, UK


HYPER JAPAN was first held in October 2010. It showcases Japan through its cuisine, traditional culture, and J-POP culture including games, manga and animation.
*Hyper Japan Official site:

ArrayJapan Media Arts Festival Official Screeningat Hyper Japan 2012 Christmas

ArrayJapan Media Arts Festival presents:Talk by Anime Experts at Hyper Japan 2012 Christmas

TALK: Japan Media Arts Festival presents
“A Talk with the Creators of KURATAS Giant Robots”

Date: 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Saturday 27 July
Venue: Centre Stage, Earls Court Two, Earls Court
Admission: Free  * HYPER JAPAN ticket required

SUGASAWA Taiji (Producer at Suidobashi Heavy Industry) *Stage Production
KURATA Kogoro (Contemporary Artist/Creator of KURATAS, winner of an Excellence Award in the Entertainment division 2013 of the Japan Media Arts Festival) *Live from JAPAN
YOSHIZAKI Wataru (Engineer in Robotics/Operator of KURATAS, in charge of an Excellence Award in the Entertainment division 2013 of the Japan Media Arts Festival) *Live from JAPAN

A talk will be provided by the producer SUGASAWA Taiji who is involved in KURATAS project as a production manager. The winner of an Excellence Award in the 16th Japan Media Arts Festival, KURATAS is a massive robot standing 4 m tall and weighing 4 t.  From the cockpit, the operator can make the robot travel around and move its arms and torso freely.  Improvements are being made with a view to mass-producing this robot.  Moreover, KURATA, the creator of KURATAS, and YOSHIZAKI, the operator of KURATAS will join on the talk online, showing visitors the live operation of the giant robot in Japan.

ArraySuidobashi Heavy Industry “KURATAS”
ⓒSuidobashi Heavy Industry

Official Screening of Japan Media Arts Festival 2013 Animated Shorts
A 60-minute program mostly featuring award-winning animated shorts from the Animation division 2013 of the Japan Media Arts Festival.

≪Japan Media Arts Festival 2013 Animated Shorts≫

Yonalure: Moment to Moment, NAKATA Ayaka/SAKITANI Yuki (Jury Selection)
Futon, MIZUSHIRI Yoriko (Excellence Award)
Recruit Rhapsody,YOSHIDA Macho (Jury Selection)
The Great Rabbit, WADA Atsushi (Excellence Award)
Oh Willy . . . , Emma De SWAEF/Marc James ROELS (New Face Award)
COMBUSTIBLE, OTOMO Katsuhiro (Grand Prize)

