OTOMO Katsuhiro (Japan)
Animation Division 2012 Grand Prize12min. 43sec.
Animated short film
Set in mid-18th-century Edo (the old name for Tokyo), COMBUSTIBLE centers on Owaka, a merchant’s daughter, and her childhood friend Matsukichi. Though the two are attracted to each other, Matsukichi’s family has disowned him because he wants to work as a fireman. But just as their relationship is starting to bloom, Owaka’s family begins to move forward with plans to find her a husband. Unable to forget Matsukichi, in a fit of crazed passion Owaka causes a huge fire to break out, burning down the town. The two lovers happen to cross paths again in the midst of this blaze. Using traditional Nihonga (Japanese-style) paintings as a motif for the animated images, the work meticulously recreates the manners, implements, and lifestyle of Tokyoites some 300 years ago. In addition, by combining hand-drawn animation with 3D computer graphics, the creators have sought to develop an innovative form of expression through moving images.