evala (See by Your Ears)
Chosho Hakkei in Rittor Base - Live Performance ver
Streaming schedule
Special video replay
Dec. 20, 2021, 00:00 – Jan. 11, 2022, 00:00 (CET)
Dec. 20, 2021, 08:00 – Jan. 11, 2022, 08:00 (JST)
This video is a replay of a performance that was streamed live on Sept. 12.
To watch the show, please purchase an online ticket for Ars Electronica Festival. Please note that registration are required.
HPL®︎ (Headphone Listening) is a high-quality binaural processing technology that can play any sound format, from 2-ch. stereo to 22.2-ch. surround sound, with headphones and earbuds. We recommend using headphones.

Photo by MIYAWAKI Shintaro
Chosho Hakkei in Rittor Base - HPL ver, which won a Prix Ars Electronica 2021 Digital Musics & Sound Art Honorary Mention, originated from three works presented in the sound exhibition Chosho Hakkei held in 2019 at Nakazu Banshoen Garden and Marugame Museum of Art in Kagawa Prefecture. evala reconstructed these three works into an 8.1.2-ch. spatial audio work at Ochanomizu Rittor Base in February 2020, and released it as a stereophonic streaming/downloadable sound source using HPL, a technology that allows listeners to experience 3D sound through headphones. This time, evala will return to Rittor Base in Ochanomizu for an online live performance titled “Chosho Hakkei in Rittor Base - Live Performance ver” using the 3D sound system and high-definition video system.
- Performer: evala
- Sound engineer: KUBO Jiro
- Photography/Video direction: SHINTSUBO Kenshu
- Lighting: 2bit
- Producer: KUNISAKI Susumu
- Lighting assistant/Motion Capture: NAMIKAWA Kosaku
- Production management: NAGAMURA Yoshino
- Venue: Ochanomizu Rittor Base (Tokyo, Japan)
Chosho Hakkei in Rittor Base - HPL ver
Prix Ars Electronica 2021
Digital Musics & Sound Art Honorary Mention

Chosho Hakkei in Rittor Base - HPL ver is a creation based on Chosho Hakkei, a sound exhibition held in 2019 at Nakazu Banshoen Garden and Marugame Museum of Art (organized by Nakazu Banshoen Garden Hosho-kai, curatorial director ABE Kazunao), set in a Japanese garden with over 330 years of history. It was an experimental project to transform a historical cultural asset with the power of radical sound art, in which evala presented three works that intersected space and time axes, composed with original binaural audio technology based on sounds recorded around Lake Biwa and real-time environmental sounds in the garden, which are associated with the eight sceneries of Omi. In February 2020, these works were presented as a 45-minute seamless 8.1.2-ch. spatial audio remix at the Rittor Base in Ochanomizu. Chosho Hakkei in Rittor Base - HPL ver was released as a stereophonic streaming/downloadable sound source using HPL, a technology that allows users to simulate 3D sound with headphones.
- Artist: evala
- Running Time: 5 songs / Total 41'43”
- Release Date: January 25, 2021
- Label: Rittor Base
- Number: RMRB001
- Distribution: High-resolution distribution on OTOTOY, worldwide distribution on Spotify, Apple Music, etc.
- All Sound Production
Composed, Recorded & Mixed by: evala - HPL Mastering: KUBO Jiro
- Cover Design: TANAKA Ryoji
- Cover Photo: SHINTSUBO Kenshu
- Curatorial Direction: ABE Kazunao
- Production: See by Your Ears
- Special Thanks: Rittor Base, Acoustic Field Inc., Semitransparent Design, Nakazu Banshoen, Whole Universe, EDGEof, and SUZUKI Akio