METACITY is a research team that explores the form of a “possible city” through thought experiments and prototyping. The team’s vision raises an awareness of the fact that Japan’s regional cities are becoming degraded copies of Tokyo, where the priority on economic rationality has bleached out the unique culture of the regions. By working with artists and researchers who have not been involved in urban design and management before, they are engaged in a wide range of activities to transform the nature of cities through the process of rethinking issues from a dimension different from that of the existing framework.
Currently, the team is working on collaborative projects with an art collective creating an alternative tea ceremony, The TEA-ROOM, Wired Japan, the volunteer engineering group Dream On, the 4D fabrication lab TANAKA Hiroya Laboratory, and the MIT Media Lab City Science research group, which seeks sustainable solutions for future cities. METACITY is a group of 40 members including artists, researchers and engineers.