Six award-winning manga works that rely deeply on human bonds and emotions.
24th Japan Media Arts Festival Manga Division New Face Award
Publisher: Kadokawa Corporation
Publication year: 2020
Volumes: 1 (finished)
Copyright: Waka Hirako
English Publisher: YEN PRESS, LLC
After winning the MF Comics Step-up Award, HIRAKO made her professional debut with the one-shot story YISKA (Comic Bridge). She received the 24th Japan Media Arts Festival New Face Award for her first serialized comic, My Broken Mariko.
Comic Walker
YEN PRESS, LLC Official Site
Milkyway Ediciones Official Site
Color illustration for My Broken Mariko.
While in high school, Mariko was clearly abused by her father.
Shiino cannot resist the urge to take the urn with Mariko’s remains.
1. Eh!?
The loss of her close friend is unbearable.
1. Pota... Pota… 2. Haff! 3. Hff! 4. Huff! 5. Hah! 6. Hff! 7. Hff...
When she falls asleep during her trip, Shiino dreams about Mariko as a little girl.
During her short, tragic life, Mariko relied heavily on Shiino, always seeking her help.
1. Please… 2. Help… 3. ...Me! 4. Shii-chan! 5. Save me!
Director’s comment
Mariko, a 26-year-old woman, falls to her death from her balcony after overdosing on sleeping pills… Her friend Shiino discovers the unbearable truth while eating ramen, and she is in total disbelief. She wants to somehow be able to say goodbye to her close friend, who had a very difficult relationship with her father –a very toxic one that most probably led to her death. After realizing that Mariko will not have a proper funeral, Shiino suddenly feels the urge to take the urn with her cremated remains from the father’s house and run away with it.
Shiino’s sadness for the death of her very special friend impregnates the whole work, and the reader gets drawn into her pitiful trip while she tries to properly say goodbye to the ill-fated young woman. This striking story makes the reader reflect on the human bonds of friendship and love, but also illustrates with incredible rawness the terrible reality of domestic violence and abuse that is sadly present in thousands of households all over the world.
My Broken Mariko (1 volume, finished) is available in English from Yen Press.