Six award-winning manga works that rely deeply on human bonds and emotions.
21st Japan Media Arts Festival Manga Division Jury Selection
Publisher: Shueisha Inc.
Volume 1 published in 2016
Volumes: 20 (finished)
Copyright: YAKUSOKU NO NEVERLAND © 2016 by Kaiu Shirai, Posuka Demizu / SHUEISHA Inc.
English Publisher: VIZ Media,LLC.
SHIRAI Kaiu debuted in 2015 with Ashley Gate no Yukue on the Shonen Jump+ website. SHIRAI first worked with DEMIZU Posuka on the two-shot Poppy no Negai, which was released in February 2016.
DEMIZU Posuka debuted as a manga artist with the 2013 CoroCoro series Oreca Monster Boken Retsuden. A collection of illustrations, The Art of Posuka Demizu, was released in 2016 by PIE International.
Shonen Jump Official Site
VIZ Media,LLC. Official Site
Norma Editorial Official Site
The artwork by DEMIZU Posuka is outstanding and contributes greatly to the story’s staging, as can be seen in this oppressive Escheresque illustration
At the beginning of the manga, Isabella is portrayed as a caring foster mother, deeply loved by the children in her care.
1. But, Mom! I want to redo my entrance! 2. Why? I love that about you. 3. That I’m five years old inside?! 4. No, that you care deeply about your family. 5. Thanks. 6. But I love them all. 7. I love Mom. I love everyone. 8. Even if we’re not related by blood... 9. ...They are my family. 10. This orphanage was my home.
Very soon the children discover that there are monsters (?) who are… breeding them…(?)
1. What is that?
A mind game develops when Isabella begins to suspect that some of the children have discovered something very fishy in the orphanage. Sister Krone comes to help her.
1. Escape or Die 2. Chapter 9: Let’s Play Tag
What first seems like a happy, carefree life, with all children developing strong family-like bonds, quickly turns into a nightmare: they need to escape!
1. And then destroy this awful place of a... 2. World we live in!! 3. There is no such thing as a way to live on this farm. 4. Only the daily life of pushing death upon each other. 5. Oh. 6. The sky is so beautiful. 7. Oh.
Loyalty and friendship unite the children who are aware of Grace Field’s dark secret. They make the decision to plot an escape, not only for themselves, but also for all the other orphans.
1. He’s alive now. 2. He’s right in front of me. Breathing. 3. His hand is so warm. And yet… 4. Don’t worry. All she took was the rope. 5. ! 6. She didn’t figure out our true plan. And your leg will heal. 7. You’ll be able to escape. 8. No!! I don’t care about that right now!!
Director’s comment
The Promised Neverland is one of the biggest hits of the shonen manga panorama of recent years. Unlike the archetypical mainstream (王道 odo, lit. “royal road”) shonen manga that focuses on action and adventure, this story is a multi-layered thriller that grasps the attention of the reader from its very first chapter.
The year is 2045, and the action is set in the Grace Field orphanage, where several children up to 12 years-old live under the protective and loving wing of their teacher, the sweet and caring Sister Isabella. However, a very dark secret looms over Grace Field as the main characters Emma, Ray and Norman discover that, in fact, they are being “bred” to serve as food for… demons? What is that orphanage? What is the world outside like? Who is Isabella and for whom does she work exactly? Emma, Ray and Norman begin to carefully plan their escape to save not only themselves, but also all the children in the orphanage.
The Promised Neverland has been adapted into a very successful 2-season anime for television as well as a Japanese live-action movie. It has been reported that Amazon Prime Video is currently working on a Hollywood-style, live-action series based on this manga.
The Promised Neverland (20 volumes, finished) is available in English from Viz Media.