9. -13. September 2020


What is the benefit of an online festival?
How we can utilize this unfortunate but unique opportunity?
TOKYO GARDEN will be a place where we exhibit current Japanese artists’ works, but, will also be a chance to trace the origin of Japanese Media Art through talks, interviews and a sharing archive.
KEY: Online, 2020, TOKYO, CONTEXT, ARCHIVE, LIVE, Map the new world.

Seiichi Saito (JP)
Creative Director, Rhizomatiks
Director of TOKYO GARDEN, Japan Media Arts Festival Overseas Promotion


Yasuaki Kakehi Laboratory,
The University of Tokyo

Yasuaki Kakehi (JP)

Yasuaki Kakehi is an artist and researcher working in the field of media art and Human Computer Interaction. His work has been awarded many prizes at exhibitions and conferences, including Ars Electronica and the Japan Media Arts Festival. We will visit Kakehi's laboratory, where he works with students from a variety of backgrounds to conduct research and create artworks.
23rd Japan Media Arts Festival / Art Division Excellence Award
Director’s message
Under what kind of environment do they continue to create works which are part of University lab’s research? What equipment do you use? What kind of process do students carry out? We take a deep dive into the Lab from different perspectives, including how Ars Electronica is positioned for education.
Inspired by the original work of:

Soundform No.1

Natura Machina / Yasuaki Kakehi (JP), Mikhail Mansion (US), Kuan-Ju Wu (TW)

23rd Japan Media Arts Festival / Art Division Excellence Award
Media installation

©︎ 2019 Natura Machina


Takuya Matsunobu (JP) + Yasuaki Kakehi (JP)

23rd Japan Media Arts Festival / Art Division Jury Selections
Media installation

@ Yasuaki Kakehi

  • Yasuaki Kakehi, Laboratory, The University of Tokyo (JP)

    Yasuaki Kakehi Lab. (xlab) is a research group affiliated with the The University of Tokyo Interfaculty III/GSII (Initiative in Information Studies Graduate School of Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies). The group is led by media artist and HCI researcher Yasuaki Kakehi since 2018 and works on physical interaction research and experience/expression design to manipulate the properties of materials under the theme of Material Experience Design. The members of the group have a wide range of expertise in information, machinery, materials, art, and architecture, and they take an interdisciplinary approach that crosses the boundaries of engineering, art, and design. The group's work and research results have been presented at numerous exhibitions and conferences, including the Ars Electronica Festival and the Japan Media Arts Festival.

  • Yasuaki Kakehi (JP)

    Kakehi is an artist and researcher working in the fields of media art and Human Computer Interaction. His research focuses on the creation of artworks and interfaces that provide interaction with various physical materials and phenomena through a computational approach to change in behavior, characteristics and interactivity. His work has been presented at exhibitions and conferences such as Ars Electronica and Japan Media Arts Festival, which has also won many awards. Received Ph D. (Interdisciplinary Information Science) from the University of Tokyo in 2007. After working as an associate professor at Keio University, as a visiting associate professor at MIT, and as an artist in the media art unit plaplax, he is now an associate professor at the University of Tokyo.