9. -13. September 2020


What is the benefit of an online festival?
How we can utilize this unfortunate but unique opportunity?
TOKYO GARDEN will be a place where we exhibit current Japanese artists’ works, but, will also be a chance to trace the origin of Japanese Media Art through talks, interviews and a sharing archive.
KEY: Online, 2020, TOKYO, CONTEXT, ARCHIVE, LIVE, Map the new world.

Seiichi Saito (JP)
Creative Director, Rhizomatiks
Director of TOKYO GARDEN, Japan Media Arts Festival Overseas Promotion


Museum inside Network 91 Revisited

Speaker: Akihiro Kubota (JP), Kazuhiko Hachiya (JP), Koichiro Eto (JP), Yukiko Shikata (JP)
Moderator: Minoru Hatanaka (JP), Seiichi Saito (JP)

In the midst of the corona ravages, the ICC's advanced project, "The Museum Inside The Telephone Network," which took place some thirty years ago in 1991, may have finally found a reality. At a time when online communication is becoming the default, how will the “invisible museum”, which started out with the idea of an art museum that is not dependent on physical space, but rather a collection of events, evolve?
Thirty years ago, in anticipation of the coming information and communication age, and in anticipation of the current STAY HOME era, this project examines the possibilities of an online museum within a network, and considers what an online museum should look like after the current emergency, with an eye to net art as well.
Director’s message
NTT ICC in 90s represented an exhibition without reality? This session will invite panelist to think about what media art can do for society in the present day and age, referring to past examples.

© Yudai Kusano
From the left: Minoru Hatanaka, Yukiko Shikata, Akihiro Kubota, Koichiro Eto, Kazuhiko Hachiya, Seiichi Saito

  • Akihiro Kubota (JP)

    Professor, Art and Media Course in Department of Information Design, Tama Art University
    Director, Art Archives Center, Tama Art University
    He earned his doctorate in Naval Architecture at the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering. His team’s first art satellite of the world, ARTSAT1:INVADER won the Award of Distinction of the Hybrid Art of Prix Ars Electronica in 2015, and the entire ARTSAT Project received the 66th Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts (Media Arts Division). Publications includes “Design for Otherness” (BNN, 2017), “Basic Concept of Media Art” (Film Art, Co-ed. with Minoru Hatanaka, 2018) and “Instagram and Contemporary Visual Culture” (BNN, Co-ed. with Kiritorimederu, 2018), “New Dark Age” (NTT Pub, Co-tr., 2018), “The New World Champion Paper Airplane Book” (O'Reilly Japan, Co-tr., 2019).

  • Kazuhiko Hachiya (JP)

    Media Artist
    Born in Saga on April 18 (appropriately enough, Invention Day), 1966. After graduated from the Faculty for Visual Communication Design, Kyushu Institute of Design, he had worked for a consulting company, and started SMTV, a private TV station unit, as his art activity. His works include the special communication tool series, with Inter Dis-communication Machine and Seeing Is Believing, and many with special functions such as AirBoard, a jet-powered skateboard, and OpenSky. The developer of PostPet e-mail software, he is a representative director of PetWORKs, engaging in development and direction of PostPet-related software.

  • © Yuji Honda

    Koichiro Eto (JP)

    Media Artist
    In 2001, he created the "Internet Physics Model" for the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation. In 2011, he launched the Nico Nico Gakkai β. Won the Good Design Award Best 100 and the Ars Electronica Award of Honor. At AIST, he continues his research on "construction and operation of services with user participation." Publications include "How to make Nico Nico Gakkai β", "Evolving Academia," "I studied Nico Nico Gakkai β", and "Patterns, Wiki, XP." In 2017, he won the Science and Technology Award (in the Understanding Promotion Category) from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

  • Yukiko Shikata (JP)

    Curator based in Tokyo. Visiting professor at Tama Art University and Tokyo Zokei University, lecturer at IAMAS and Musashino Art University, director of “Open Water” Committee. She connects art, natural and social sciences from the perspective of “Information Flows” traversing data, water, humans, living and non-living entities and climates.
    Worked as curator of Canon ARTLAB (1990-2001), Mori Art Museum (2002-2004), NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC] (2004-2010). Recent projects include art festivals KENPOKU ART 2016 (Curator), the media art festival AMIT (Director, 2014-2018), the 2020 Symposium of AICA Japan "Culture/Earth/Environment - The World to Come and the Emergence of New Art" (Chairperson), and the online art festival “MMFS2020” (Director).

  • Minoru Hatanaka (JP)

    Born in 1968. Chief curator at the NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC], and has been involved with the ICC since its opening in 1996. Since the "Sound Art- Sound as Media" exhibition in 2000, he has been involved in "Sounding Space" (2003), "Silent Dialogue" (2007), "Vibrations of Entities" (2010), "[Internet Art Future]—Reality in Post Internet Era" (2012), “SAKAMOTO Ryuichi with TAKATANI Shiro | Installation Music 2 IS YOUR TIME” (2017). He has also produced exhibitions of artists such as Dumb Type (2002), Kazuhiko Hachiya (2006), Rhizomatiks (2013), and Arata Isozaki (2013). He also writes about art and music.

  • Seiichi Saito (JP)

    Creative Director, Rhizomatiks
    Born in Kanagawa in 1975, Saito began his career in New York in 2000 after graduating from Columbia University with a Master of Science degree in Advanced Architectural Design (MSAAD).
    Since then, he has been active in creative work at the Arnell Group, and returned to Japan upon being selected for the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial event.
    He produces works in the commercial art field which are three-dimensional and interactive while also being based on the firm grounding in logical thought that he cultivated through architecture.
    Saito has won numerous international awards since 2009. Launched Rhizomatiks Co.,Ltd. in 2006. Since 2016, he serves as director of Rhizomatiks Architecture.
    Vice Chairman of Good Design Award 2018-19. Creative Adviser of 2020 Dubai Expo Japan pavilion. An expert for the People's Living Lab Promotion Council for Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan.

NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC]